Scientific publications
Ophthalmology textbooks

Scientific articles (since 2020)
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D Arad, O Pe’er, R Ofri. The 100 most-cited articles published in the Veterinary Ophthalmology journal between 1998 - 2022. A bibliometric study. Vet Ophthalmol 2023 (in press).
Shilo-Benjamini Y, Pe’er O, Abu Ahmad W, Ofri R. The effect of anesthetic induction with ketamine, propofol or alfaxalone on intraocular pressure in cats: a randomized masked clinical investigation. Vet Anaesth Analg 2023; 50:63-71.
Zahavi A, Friedman Gohas M, Sternfeld A, Zreiq ND, Muhsinoglu O, Ofri R, BarKana Y, Goldenberg-Cohen N. (2022). Histological and molecular characterization of glaucoma model induced by one or two injections of microbeads to the anterior chamber of mice. Int Ophthalmol 2022; 42(12):3763-3775.
Handel KW, Ofri R, Sebbag L. Accuracy of data in abstracts of veterinary ophthalmology research articles published in peer-reviewed journals. Vet Ophthalmol. 2023 Mar 9.
Shiraishi H, Vernau KM, Kim S, Good KL, Hollingsworth SR, Sebbag L, Montgomery E, Surmick JD, Freeman KS, Choi E, Casanova IM, Maggs DJ. Symblepharon in kittens: a retrospective study of 40 kittens and 54 eyes (2002–2022). J Fel Med Surg 2023.
Sebbag L and Sanchez R. The pandemic of ocular surface disease in brachycephalic dogs: the Brachycephalic Ocular Syndrome. Vet Ophthalmol 2022.
Iwashita H, Sebbag L, Leonard BC, Saito A. A review of diagnostic tests for qualitative and quantitative tear film deficiency in dogs. Vet Ophthalmol 2022.
Bedos L, Allbaugh RA, Roy M, Kubai MA, Sebbag L. Precorneal retention time of ocular lubricants measured with fluorophotometry in healthy dogs. Vet Ophthalmol 2023.
Oksa-Minalo J, Maggs DJ, Akimova J, Ilgaza A, Sebbag L. Ocular surface physiology and aqueous tear production in cats of diverse cephalic conformations. Vet Ophthalmol 2023.
Ross M, Avni-Magen N, Pe'er O, Berkowitz A, Ofri R. Treatment with chloroquine is retinotoxic in captive African penguins (Speniscus demersus). Attenuation and recovery of electroretinographic responses. Vet Ophthalmol 2022.
Wegg ML, Pollard D, Ofri R. Retrospective evaluation of pre-surgical electroretinography results in a mixed-breed canine population presented for cataract removal surgery. Vet Ophthalmol 2022.
Bedos L, Wickham H, Gabriel V, Zdyrski C, Allbaugh RA, Sahoo DK, Sebbag L, Mochel JP, Allenspach K. Culture and characterization of canine and feline corneal epithelial organoids: A new tool for the study and treatment of corneal diseases. Front. Vet Sci 2022.
Rebibo L, Frušić-Zlotkin M, Ofri R, Nassar T, Benita S. The dose-dependent effect of a stabilized cannabidiol nanoemulsion on ocular surface inflammation and intraocular pressure. Int J Pharm 2022.
Zahavi A, Gohas MF, Sternfeld A, Zreiq ND, Muhsinoglu O, Ofri R, BarKana Y, Goldenberg-Cohen N. Histological and molecular characterization of glaucoma model induced by one or two injections of microbeads to the anterior chamber of mice. Int Ophthalmol 2022.
Sebbag L, Souza Martins da Silva AP, Pereira Barbosa dos Santos A, Raposo AC, Oriá A. An eye on the Shih Tzu dog: Ophthalmic exam findings and ocular surface diagnostics. Vet Ophthalmol 2022.
Bowden AC, Allbaugh RA, Smith JS, Mochel JP, Sebbag L. Kinetics and minimal inhibitory concentrations of ceftiofur in tear film following extended-release parenteral administration (Excede®) in dogs. Front. Vet Sci 2022.
Wilcox P, Strong T, Sebbag L, Allbaugh RA. Effect of topical nitric oxide-donors 0.03% nitroglycerin and 0.1% hydralazine on intraocular pressure in healthy canine eyes. Vet Med Sci. 2022.
Sarfaty H, Ezra-Elia R, Sebbag L. Prevalence and characteristics of ocular diseases in Sphinx cats: A retrospective assessment (2012-2021) and comparison with non-Sphinx cats. Vet Ophthalmol 2022.
Park S, Sebbag L, Moore B et al (10 authors). Multimodal ocular imaging of known and novel corneal stromal disorders in dogs. BMC Vet Res 2022.
Arad D, Komoron S, Pe’er O, Sebbag L, Ofri R. Mucoadhesive polymers enhance ocular drug delivery: Proof of concept study with 0.5% tropicamide in dogs. J Ocul Pharm Ther. 2021.
Oriá AP, Estrela-Lima A, Teixeira LBC, Dubielzig RR, Ofri R. Atypical free-floating iridociliary pigmented epithelial cysts and secondary glaucoma in a caiman (Caiman latirostris). Vet Ophthalmol 2021.
Sebbag L, Broadbent VL, Kenne DE, Perrin AL, Mochel JP. Albumin in tears modulates bacterial susceptibility to topical antibiotics in ophthalmology. Front. Med. 2021.
Pe'er O, Chiu E, Arad D, Lelescu C, Ross M, Ofri R. Does the order of intraocular pressure measurement affect tonometry results? Vet Ophthalmol 2021.
Kreuder AJ, Allbaugh RA, Sebbag L. Letter to the Editor: Comparison of antimicrobial resistance patterns in dogs with bacterial keratitis presented to a veterinary teaching hospital over two multi-year time periods (1993–2003 and 2013–2019) in the Southeastern United States. Vet Ophth 2021.
Arad D, Deckel R, Pe’er O, Ross M, Sebbag L, Ofri R. Is it necessary to wait several minutes between applications of different topical ophthalmic solutions? A preliminary study with tropicamide eye drops in healthy dogs. Vet Ophth 2021.
O’Leary LM, Allbaugh RA, Schrunk DE, Olsen TE, Sebbag L. Variable accuracy, precision, and consistency of compounded famciclovir formulated for management of feline herpesvirus-1 in cats. Vet Ophthalmol. 2021
O’Leary LM, Sebbag L, Moody LM, Diehl KA, Allbaugh RA. Acute corneal hydrops of presumed traumatic origin: An uncontrolled case series (three horses). Equine Vet. Educ. 2021.
Romaneck A, Sebbag L. Clinical remission in a cat with severe bilateral eosinophilic keratitis receiving combined immunosuppressive therapy (triamcinolone acetonide and tacrolimus. Frontiers in Vet Sci, 2021.
Foote BC, Smith JS, Bowden AC, Allbaugh RA, Sebbag L. Successful management of refractory keratomycosis in an alpaca using penetrating keratoplasty and combination antifungal therapy (caspofungin 0.5% and terbinafine 1%). Front Vet Sci. 2021.
Sebbag L, Thomasy SM, Leland A, Mukai M, Kim S, Maggs DJ. Altered corneal innervation and ocular surface homeostasis in FHV-1-exposed cats: A preliminary study suggesting metaherpetic disease. Front Vet Sci. 2021.
Bertram M, Allbaugh RA, Mochel JP, Peraza J, Page L, Sebbag L. Influence of Schirmer strip wetness on volume absorbed, volume recovered, and total protein content in canine tears. Vet Ophthalmol. 2021.
Uhl LK, Henriksen ML, Saxmose Nielsen S, Gemensky-Metzler AJ, Sebbag L, Todd JM. Cataracts and phacoemulsification in the Siberian Husky: A retrospective and multicentric study (2008-2018). Vet Ophthalmol. 2021.
Ofri R, Ekesten B. Baseline retinal OCT measurements in normal female beagles: The effects of eccentricity, meridian, and age on retinal layer thickness. Vet Ophthalmol 2020.
Pe'er O, Oron L, Ofri R. Prognostic indicators and outcome in dogs undergoing temporary tarsorrhaphy following traumatic proptosis. Vet Ophthalmol 2020.
Gentile D, Allbaugh RA, Adiguzel MC, Kenne DE, Sahin O, Sebbag L. Bacterial cross-contamination in a veterinary ophthalmology setting. Front Vet Sci. 2020.
Ross M, Obolensky A, Averbukh E, Ezra-Elia R, Yamin E, Honig H, Dvir H, Rosov A, Hauswirth WW, Gootwine E, Banin E, Ofri R. Evaluation of Photoreceptor Transduction Efficacy of Capsid-Modified Adeno-Associated Viral Vectors Following Intravitreal and Subretinal Delivery in Sheep. Hum Gene Ther. 2020.
Ross M, Ofri R, Aizenberg I, Abu-Siam M, Pe'er O, Arad D, Rosov A, Gootwine E, Dvir H, Honig H, Obolensky A, Averbukh E, Banin E, Gantz L. Naturally-occurring myopia and loss of cone function in a sheep model of achromatopsia. Sci Rep. 2020.
Foote BC, Smith JD, Allbaugh RA, Sebbag L. Histologic effects of MicroPulse™ transscleral cyclophotocoagulation in normal equine eyes. Vet Ophthalmol. 2021.
Lucyshyn DR, Good KL, Knickelbein KE, Chang MW, Strøm AR, Hollingsworth SR, Thomasy SM, Leonard BC, Sebbag L, Wiggans KT, Maggs DJ. Subcutaneous administration of triamcinolone as part of the management of feline eosinophilic keratoconjunctivitis. J Feline Med Surg. 2020.
Sebbag L, Mochel JP. An eye on the dog as the scientist's best friend for translational research in ophthalmology: Focus on the ocular surface. Med Res Rev. 2020.
Sebbag L, Mochel JP. Pharmacokinetics of oral prednisone at anti-inflammatory to immuno-suppressive doses in dogs: A naïve pooled-data approach. Frontiers in Vet Sci, 2020.
Hewitt JS, Allbaugh RA, Kenne DE, Sebbag L. Prevalence and antibiotic susceptibility of bacterial isolates from dogs with ulcerative keratitis in Midwestern United States. Frontiers in Vet Sci, 2020.
Sebbag L Kirner N, Wulf L, Mochel JP. Tear film pharmacokinetics and systemic absorption of topical 1% prednisolone acetate ophthalmic suspension in dogs. Frontiers in Vet Sci, 2020.
Sebbag L, Soler EA, Allbaugh RA, Mochel JP. Impact of acute conjunctivitis on ocular surface homeostasis in dogs. Vet Ophthalmol. 2020.
Page L, Allbaugh RA, Mochel JP, Peraza J, Bertram M, Sebbag L. Impact of diurnal variation, sex, tear collection method, and disease state on tear protein levels in dogs. Vet Ophthalmol 2020.
Mansour TA, Woolard K, Ancona D, Vernau L, Thomasy SM, Sebbag L, Moore BA, Knipe M, Cowan T, Aguilar M, Brown CT, Bannasch DL. Whole genome sequencing for mutation discovery in a single case of lysosomal storage disease (MPS type 1) in the dog. Sci Rep. 2020.
Sebbag L, Uhl L, Schneider B, Hayes B, Olds J, Mochel JP. Investigation of Schirmer tear test-1 for measurement of tear production in cats under various environmental settings and test durations. J Am Vet Med Assoc, 2020.
Terhaar H, Allbaugh RA, Mochel JP, Sebbag L. Serum albumin and total protein concentration in the tear film of horses with healthy or diseased eyes. Vet Ophthalmol 2020.
Bolzanni H, Oria A, Raposo AC, Sebbag L. Aqueous tear assessment in dogs: impact of cephalic conformation, inter-test correlations and test-retest repeatability. Vet Ophthalmol. 2020.
Sebbag L, Moody LM, Mochel JP. Albumin levels in tear film modulate the bioavailability of medically-relevant topical drugs. Front. Pharmacol 2020;
Foote BC, Sebbag L. Diagnosis and Treatment of Ocular Proptosis. Today’s Veterinary Practice, January/February 2020.
Sebbag L, Moody LM, Allbaugh RA, Mochel JP. Nerve growth factor in dogs: Assessment of two immunoassays and selected ocular parameters following nicergoline challenge per os. Vet Ophthalmol 2020.
Allbaugh RA, Wehrman RF, Sebbag L. Comparison of topical 0.05% difluprednate to 1% prednisolone acetate in inhibiting paracentesis-induced blood aqueous barrier breakdown in healthy dogs. Am J Vet Res. 2020.
Sebbag L, Riggs A, Carnevale J. Oculo-skeletal dysplasia in 5 Labrador Retrievers. Vet Ophthalmol. 2020.
Sebbag L, Crabtree EE, Sapienza JS, Kim K, Rodriguez E. Corneal hypoesthesia, aqueous tear deficiency and neurotrophic keratopathy following micropulse transscleral cyclophotocoagulation in dogs. Vet Ophthalmol. 2020.
Foote BC, Smith JS, Allbaugh RA, Sebbag L, Ben-Shlomo G. Novel use of a combination of extracellular matrices for wound healing following resection of a large inferior eyelid mass in a miniature Hereford. J Am Vet Med Assoc. 2020.